正在材质上酿成了比照木质靠山墙和桌椅,空间的质感获得了擢升天然元素的融入让这片,了栖身者对待糊口的美丽探求细腻的纹理与雅致的细节浮现。s enhances the texture of this space. The delicate texture and exquisite details show the occupants pursuit of lifeThe wooden background wall and the table and chairs form a contrast in material. The integration of natural element.
urant integration③ Customer resta,lopment of visionmaximize the deve,nse of super highspatial scale se.
ony + bedroom full bay window① North and south double balc,ea increasedavailable ar;
save time and costThe second is to !
极简的计划气概寝室依然延续了,墙与客堂相照应选用石材靠山,台阶划分空间奇妙的行使,洁净纯粹的空间气氛浅灰色的地面营制了。The stone background wall is used to echo the living roomThe bedroom still continues the minimalist design style. ,ht gray ground creates a clean and pure space atmosphereand the steps are used to distinguish the space. The lig.
e: Gubei 99 official phoneGubei 99 Sales Office phon:
添加了空间的雅致感卫生间中大理石材质,而素淡简雅,同的艺术美感浮现了与多不。dds a sense of refinement to the spaceThe marble material in the bathroom a,le and elegantwhich is simp,ive artistic beautyshowing a distinct.
寝室相连衣帽间与,简的计划气概也是延续了极,差异的高级感显露了与多。过多的装扮寝室中没有,主义极简气概承受了当代。nected to the bedroomThe cloakroom is con, minimalist design stylewhich also continues the,e is no too much decoration in the bedroompresenting a unique sense of luxury. Ther,alist style of modernismwhich inherits the minim.
y villa area is ready for saleShanghai benchmark low-densit!
ent home systemFour: Intellig,fe life experienceconvenient and sa.
古北道边闲步正在,亚餐厅、西餐厅等异国美食到处可见日韩处理、东南,融的种种表资银行以及比肩陆家嘴金,际化社区的心灵都再现着这个国。 themAmong,n landmark Golden City Road pedestrian streetthe most eye-catching is the ancient norther,are in a foreign countrywalking here as if you ,a variety of cafeson both sides of , shopsdrink,estaurantsforeign r,s个中bar,地标黄金城道步行街最吸睛的便是古北,佛置身海表走正在这里仿,、表国餐厅、酒吧·····两侧遍布种种咖啡馆、饮品店·
上时晚,筑染上夜色白色的修,暖黄色的灯光别墅内散逸出,成了颜色上的比照与这正片空间形,惬意的空间气氛散逸着适意而。ightAt n,s stained with nightthe white building i, warm yellow lightsand the villa emits,rast with the main spacewhich forms a color cont,e and cozy atmosphereexuding a comfortabl.
银杏季每到,身黄金秀场这条街就化,y walk、争相打卡的胜地成为国际家庭、上海浪人cit。
ls in China are Ruijin Gubei BranchThe second and third level hospita,ice Corps HospitalShanghai Armed Pol,al Gamma BranchHuashan Hospit,病院有瑞金古北分院、武警上海市总队病院、华山病院伽马分院、上海市第六国民病院Shanghai Sixth Peoples Hospital.国内二三级。
白灰配色客堂的黑,性的空间基调奠定高度理,石纹的电视墙浅灰色大理,整个质感擢升空间,配上雅致的家具爽利的线条搭,计带来极致适意的觉得宽敞的空间为全数设。多余的颜色客堂中没有,级又耐看显得高。blackThe ,space. The clean lines and exquisite furniture make the open space bring the ultimate comfort to the whole design. There is no extra color in the living roomwhite and gray color scheme of the living room establishes a highly rational space tone. The light gray marbled TV wall enhances the overall texture of the ,ass and beautifulit looks high-cl.
rt of tall buildingsShanghai is not sho,ng environment to live inwhat is short is a relaxi.
ly take care of life in good orderSuch property services can not on,mportantlybut more i,s of life disturb happinessdo not let the trivialitie.
e the Central ViaductSelf-drive can choos,ing Viaductthe Inner R,n RoadYisha,linear distance of about 1.4kmand the Yan an Viaduct with a .
.The facade of the building uses natural gold hemp stone texture soft and elegantThis rendering of the buildings facade shows how well the project has turned out, the hard texture of the stoneand uses smart lines to soften,l of modern life charm and textureso that the whole building is ful.
架道、宜山道以及直线公里的延安高架道自驾可选直线公里的中环高架道、内环高。 projectFrom the,ational Airport along the Yan an Elevated Roadyou can easily reach Shanghai Hongqiao Intern,ional Airport through the Central Elevated Roadand you can also reach Shanghai Pudong Internat,with international lifeseamlessly connecting ;目动身从项,抵达上海虹桥国际机场沿着延安高架道可轻松,抵达上海浦东国际机场也可通过中环高架道,国际糊口无缝贯穿;
natelyFortu,ences in the economic and trade core areaGubei 99 is one of the few livable resid.
Sales Office TelMinhang Gubei 99:
created an unlimited life service system to ensure that the owners assets continue to increase and maintain valueHopsons high-end customized services also include the introduction of limitless property services.Mananhe Property.
he road of GubeiWalking along t,e and Korean cuisineyou can see Japanes,an restaurantsSoutheast Asi,her exotic foods everywhereWestern restaurants and ot,nks comparable to Lujiazui financeas well as all kinds of foreign ba,his international communityreflecting the spirit of t.
edical resourcesInternational m,International Hospitalsurrounded by Jiahui ,Childrens HospitalMeihua Women and ,ly HospitalUnited Fami;
ng the marketAfter enteri,t 2 years to hand over the roomit is necessary to wait at leas,e existing rooms will be much shorterand the waiting period of prospectiv,hed and can be moved in.期房入市后and the details will be polis,年才气交房起码要等2,待期就会短良多而准现房的等,毕就能入住细节打磨完。